Being a tourist locally

In our every day life we tend to forget all the opportunities near by. Possibilities of being a tourist without flying somewhere far away. Kids have been on a fall break this week and we have been popping here and there and today we visited Valkmusa National Park. Our eldest was just "Ok, lets go." but our youngest was surprised that it wasn't so horrible as she thought it would be, especially after a cup of hot chocolate. Easy to walk, well marked routs, campfire site and only two kms from your car. Piece of cake, even for a protesting teenager :)

Vietimme syyslomalaisten toiseksi viimeisen lomapäivän samoillen Valkmusan kansallispuistossa. Olen ylpeä meidän hienoista kansallispuistoista, autiotupaverkostosta, luontopoluista, jokamiehenoikeudesta ja siitä, kuinka kaikki tämä löytyy aivan läheltä, asuimme sitten Kotkassa tai Utsjoella. Turistina paikallisesti tuntui hienolta tänään!


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