Today at the market-place near us, there was a gathering. About fifteen grafters had set the things their have made for customers to see. There was I with my knits and it was so nice after such a long time. It gives me always new energy when seeing my dear customers. Thank you all!
It was a bit cold and facemask was, well you all know. But keeping distance, wearing mask and washing hands that is how I was able to meet you. Now I'm at home wearing tons of knitwear trying to melt. Later a cup of tea and sauna. Lovely day at work 💙
Olipa ihana tavata asiakkaita kasvotusten. Pieni käsintekijöiden kokoontuminen Karhulan torilla toi virtaa seuraavaan viikkoon. Täällä sulattelen itseäni neule vuoren alla ja odottelen illan saunaa. Hyvä päivä töissä 💙
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